Reactive Dashboards with Plotly Dash
Last month I gave a talk at PyMunich on how to create reactive dashboards with Plotly Dash.
I have already written about Dash here, and the weekend before the presentation I managed to deploy another dashboard on Heroku.
It seems that the audience liked the topic, and on Twitter Chris Parmer himself wrote some kind words of appreciation. I wasn’t expecting that. It was pretty cool!

Dash is a pretty new framework in the Python ecosystem, but I think it will manage to get its own space among tools like Jupyter notebooks and Bokeh interactive plots.
Luke Singham started awesome-dash, a curated list of awesome Dash resources. It contains links to tutorials, code snippets, example dashboards that will definitely be useful if you are just starting with Dash or want to learn a new thing or two. Don’t forget to start it on GitHub!
Here are the slides of my talk: